Building a Global Service Community

The RSEA exists to be a professional, technical, and educational non-profit organization dedicated to serving the needs of service engineers specializing in radiotherapy equipment, most notably linear accelerators. 

The RSEA Moves from Listserv to Discord

The What: The RSEA is closing our Listserv. Moving forward, all communications and troubleshooting discussions will be maintained and available through the RSEA Discord app. The When: The listserv will be closed effective October 1st, 2021. The Why: We create ONE,...

RSEA Announces New Bylaws

Big things are coming to the RSEA in 2021!  Those of you who participated in the 2020 Fall Speaker's Series will know that a lot it happening in the RSEA this year. We have a renewed mission and focus aimed at bringing value to service engineers across the globe and...

Happy Holidays from the RSEA Family

RSEA would like to send you and your family a world of good wishes this holiday season.  Enjoy the time to reflect, relax, and recharge! 2020 brought the obvious challenges, both personally and professionally.  It also showed us the power of community and coming...

Fall Speaker’s Series Videos are Now Available

The 2020 fall speaker's series videos are available to view for paid members. Click here    

Connecting the Global Service Community

We exist to create a single, collective voice to represent the interests of all Radiotherapy Service Engineers across the globe.  Critical to this objective is establishing an open source environment where the community has shared input and ownership of what we do and how we do it.  We’re at an exciting inflection point to drive real and lasting change and we encourage all Radiotherapy Service Engineers to join us and become active members in the community!

The RSEA is actively working to advance the following objectives:

  • We are working with the NAAE to gain alignment between our member bases.
  • We are establishing regional RSEA chapters around the world.
  • We have transitioned from the List Serve to the Discord phone app as our primary collaboration or communication tool.
  • We are in the process of updating our website and adding training and reference resources.
  • We have started an initiative to better define the career progression of a service engineer.
  • We have engaged new talent from within the service community to lead and support our advancement.

Learn more about the bylaws → BYLAWS

Our Sponsors

RSEA is grateful for those who continue to support the service community through sponsorship and resources.  Together, we are having a lasting impact on cancer care!

Please fill out the contact form below for additional information on becoming a sponsor. 

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